2 July, 2020

BIORECOVER (GA Nº 821096): Development of an innovative sustainable strategy for selective biorecover of critical raw materials from Primary and Secondary sources. The objective of BIORECOVER is the research and development of a new sustainable and safe process, essentially based on biotechnology, for selective extraction of a wide range of Critical Raw Materials, from relevant unexploited secondary and primary sources of Rare Earths, Magnesium and Platinum Group Metals. A consortium of 14 partners from 7 European countries and South Africa that encompass the whole value chain are already working together to achieve this objective. TR has the key role of developing a new environmental and cost effective purification process to recover Rare Earths and Pt.

Digital Marketing. This project has been developed by Grupo Enfoca: Inbound Marketing Alicante

Cl. Sierra Nevada 16
Pol. Ind. San Fernando de Henares
28830 San Fernando de Henares,
Madrid – Spain
Tel: +34 914 09 89 55
Email: tr@tecnicasreunidas.es

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